Sunday, December 16, 2012

Introducing Our New Sister Sites

We have started two new sister sites.  Now you may or may not be interested in them.....but we never know what our visitors are into, as far as there business lives go anyway.

So the sites are listed below and we would appreciate it if you just visit them.....even if it's out of curiosity.  They are new and we can get better search engine results if we get incoming clicks from other sites.  It shows the search engines that they have relevancy.  So check them out if you are curious....or just have some time.

B2B Sales Leads - This site offers our favorite Sales Leads Software to businesses and is a basic blog site that will only have a few pages.....but will then have a lot of blog updates.  The software is fantastic for those of us who are trying to grow a side business or a full time business.  I bought it for my aviation business over a year ago, but now use it for an insurance business that I am starting.

Lots of Sales Leads - This site is more geared towards people who want to earn extra income.....or a full time income.  It is the same software, however there is a lot more information about starting a second income stream....and a residual income at that.  There are many ways to grow this business but I prefer to market over the Internet and to do direct mail campaigns.  This way I do very little work on it during the week, and yet the sales can come in on there own during the week automatically.

Anyway, we wanted to introduce them to you.....just in case you are remotely interested.  And we could use the clicks to get the sites kicked off in the right direction.

Thanx.....and I wish you the very best in your trading!

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