Monday, December 24, 2012

Lack of Funds for Traders

My biggest obstacle in trading has been the lack of funds.  And I do not think that I am alone in this!

Most traders I believe, do not have enough funds, to trade properly.  And I don't think it matters if you are a   Forex trader, futures trader or heck even a stock trader.

But I do know for me, this has been my biggest problem.

What I would typically do is tighten my stops real tight so that I wouldn't lose a lot of money.  And that may have been true....I did not lose a lot of money on THAT trade.  BUT......I lost more times so of course that ultimately meant I lost more money.

Well I just wrote about the Lack of Funds for Traders on my other blog and I personally think this is a universal problem for new traders especially.

And I have had to deal with this for years.......never coming up with the proper solution.

Well what if we could fix the problem?  What if the answer.....was already a part of what we already do on a daily basis?

You see that's what I was looking for.  Not another income or funds from having 2 jobs.....just another income.

Well anyway you can read about what I wrote on the other blog about Funds for Traders and who knows....maybe you will agree.

In any case...have a very Merry Christmas....and a Happy and PROSPEROUS New Year!!!!